Frequently Asked Questions

They both work the same. The difference is just the convenience.


One capsule a day for adult / children 12 years and above.

15ml two times a day for adult and 5ml two times a day for children 12years and above.

NAV-Xtra is not suitable for pregnant women or nursing mothers.

Nav-Xtra should be stored at room temperature.

Your body metabolisms determine your immune response healing time. Averagely between one bottle to worst case scenario six bottles. We mostly advise two bottles, one bottle to boost the immune system to correct the immune compromised disease and the second bottle to fortify the immune system for better defence.

No, it does not. It boosts the immune system and the immune system corrects all immune compromised disease.

Your white blood cells fight bacterial in the blood leading to high temperature; dehydration and feeling of anxiety drink plenty of water and rest well.

 No. Take your regular medication 10mins after taking NAV-Xtra

It can be taken at any time but advisably first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

As long as the expiring date.

Yes, it is suitable for older people as well.

The product brought out the parasite and bacterial from your liver and hiding place that is why, continue to take the product until you feel better, but if you cannot combine the NAV-Xtra with
some anti-malaria.

No, it is not.

It is the reaction in your blood signifying the fight with the virus. Reduce the dosage.

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