Alkaline Water Concentrate

Alkaline water concentrate is a mineral-rich elixir that nourishes your body at its core. It replenishes your cells and blood with a wealth of essential minerals needed for bone health, preventing the development of kidney stones, and reducing the risk of stroke. Beyond these benefits, it serves as a guardian to your body’s pH balance. By promoting an alkaline environment, it helps neutralize excess acidity, supporting overall well-being. The carefully chosen blend of minerals, including magnesium, calcium, and potassium, orchestrates a symphony of health within your body

SKU: MEGA-HR-1-14 Category:


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 Ingredients; Distilled water, Potassium Bicarbonate, Magnesium Sulfate, Electrolytes

Ingredients Of Alkaline Water Concentrate

Distilled Water

Distilled water stands as a variety of purified water, meticulously stripped of contaminants and minerals, rendering it the utmost in purity. This pristine water form offers an elevated level of purity, especially beneficial for individuals with compromised immune systems. In specific cases, distilled water may contribute to the success of surgeries related to certain types of cancers. It serves as a safeguard for high-risk patients, providing protection against water-borne infections

Potassium Bicarbonate

Potassium bicarbonate, an inorganic compound, finds application as a regulator of pH or as a reagent. This essential mineral and electrolyte assumes significant roles within your nervous and skeletal systems, governing the electrical functioning of your heart and contributing to blood pressure regulation. Beyond these functions, potassium bicarbonate aids in averting the onset of kidney stone disease and plays a role in diminishing the risk of stroke.

Magnesium Sulfate

Magnesium sulfate, a small and colorless crystal, serves multiple purposes such as an anticonvulsant, cathartic, and electrolyte replenisher. It finds utility in addressing conditions like pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. It also operates as a laxative for the alleviation of occasional constipation. This compound stems from magnesium, a naturally occurring mineral crucial for various bodily systems, notably the muscles and nerves. Magnesium sulfate also contributes to increased water content within the intestine.


Electrolytes encompass minerals present in blood and other bodily fluids that possess an electrical charge. These essential components play a pivotal role in numerous bodily functions, influencing aspects such as the body’s water content, blood pH levels, and the functionality of muscles.

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