
Liposomal Vitamin C

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Liposomal Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals and plays a role in controlling infections and wound healing. It makes collagen, a fibrous protein in connective tissue that is weaved throughout various systems in the body: nervous, immune, bone, cartilage, blood, and others. it helps support cell structure in the brain, nerves, and organs, boost blood antioxidant levels, help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, improves the absorption of iron that is poorly absorbed, and also reduce the risk of iron deficiency.

SKU: MEGA-HR-1-6 Category:


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Some Reasons Why Liposomal Vitamin C Is Important

  • Packaged like a bodily cell so they easily pass through the digestive barrier to go directly into the bloodstream.
  • Vitamin C is by far the most powerful and essential antioxidant for your body’s immune system.
  • We all acknowledge the importance of taking Vitamin C Supplements to prevent sickness and fight off infection.

Ingredients Of Liposomal Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble essential nutrient predominantly sourced from fresh fruits and vegetables, with citrus fruits being particularly rich in it. Within the body, vitamin C assumes multiple crucial roles, including immune support, wound healing facilitation, and potent antioxidant capabilities that counteract harmful free radicals. An indispensable component for collagen production, vitamin C contributes to the formation of this fibrous protein that interlaces through various bodily systems, including the nervous, immune, bone, cartilage, and circulatory systems. Furthermore, vitamin C actively participates in the creation of several hormones and chemical messengers crucial for brain and nerve functions. With its robust antioxidant properties, vitamin C elevates blood antioxidant levels, potentially mitigating the risk of chronic ailments such as heart disease. Research indicates that its supplementation may lead to lowered blood pressure in both individuals with hypertension and those with regular blood pressure levels, thus enhancing heart health. Vitamin C-enriched foods and supplements have been associated with diminished blood uric acid levels and a reduced likelihood of gout. The positive influence of vitamin C extends to enhancing the absorption of poorly absorbed iron, particularly from non-meat sources, thereby contributing to the prevention of iron deficiency.


Lecithin, a type of fat, is naturally present in foods such as egg yolks, sunflower seeds, and soybeans. It consists of phospholipids, a category of fats that includes phosphatidylcholine. Within the body, phosphatidylcholine is converted into choline, a nutrient essential for maintaining the structural integrity of cells in the brain, nerves, and various organs. Functioning as an emulsifier, lecithin possesses the ability to effectively suspend fats and oils, preventing their mixture with other substances. Leveraging this property, lecithin plays a pivotal role in emulsifying fats and oils to maintain their separation. Supplementary intake of lecithin has been demonstrated to aid in managing high cholesterol levels. Moreover, it finds application as a breastfeeding aid and has been utilized to address conditions like ulcerative colitis, showcasing its versatility in promoting various aspects of health.


Hypromellose, a type of vegetable cellulose, is a key component in the composition of vegetable capsules. Sourced from softwood trees like; pine, spruce and fir trees, this material is utilized in the creation of these capsules. Vegetable capsules can be easily swallowed and they break down more quickly in the digestive system.

Medium Chain Triglicerine

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are derived from coconut oil or palm kernel oil and are also present in various foods, including dairy products. MCT oil comprises triglycerides with medium-length fat chains. These chains, being shorter in comparison, undergo quicker digestion compared to the longer-chain fatty acids prevalent in numerous other dietary sources. MCT oil serves as a rapid source of energy and facilitates weight loss efforts. Additionally, its properties encompass combating bacterial proliferation and assisting in the management of specific neurological conditions.

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